The Shinbone Star

This blog is named after the newspaper in the old John Wayne movie "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" which also starred James (Jimmy) Stewart and Lee Marvin. This is a place for my mind to wander and who knows what else. {smiling}

Location: Central Texas, United States

I am a Christian, born and raised in Texas. I attend church as my health allows. I am coordinator of the church food pantry- The Bread Of Life Pantry. It's a blessing to me. I am a cat person (I have nothing against dogs, I just purrfurr cats). I have 2 cats: Junior b. spring 1999, Petunia born spring of 2000. I am a Fox Fan! I enjoy old movies! I can in no way list favorite actors and actresses, it's too long a list. I also love cemeteries, reading headstones. I would love to write obituaries.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Pumpkin Does A Tango

Several months ago, when Pumpkin was around 5 or 6 months old, I captured his playing with the wrist strap of my cane. He was so determined. He gripped it in his teeth, he tugged, oh, he tried so hard to walk away with it. I am surprised the pics came out as good as they did since I was prone to giggle now and then.

Get a gander at that bite of determination!

He's got the matter well in paw!

Pondering the matter.

Look at that paw, poised to strike!

He's got a toothy grip on it now!

He's is bound and determined to walk the cane.

Here, for the sake of the wrist strap, I cut in and put my cane out of reach. There is no greater joy than watching a playful kitten!

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